Your birth chart is your cosmic blueprint, revealing the highest potential of your life.

Together in this intimate conversation with Lily, you will explore the themes, gifts, challenges, and purpose of your life through the lens of astrology.

Deepen your self-awareness, find context for life's unexpected turns, and empower yourself to activate your highest potential.

1:1 Birth Chart Reading

Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint ☾

Unlock Your Cosmic Blueprint ☾


  • Personalized Study: Lily will study your birth chart before your call and connect with the energies of your chart.

  • 1-Hour Video Call: A deep dive via Zoom into your birth chart and current transits.

  • Recorded Session: A recording of your call will be emailed to you for future reference.


Book a session when you feel lost, blocked, misaligned, or in need of clarity and practical guidance regarding:

  • Life purpose and direction

  • Career

  • Love and relationships

  • Home and family

  • Money and abundance

  • Health

  • Birth date, location (city/state/country), and exact birth time.

  • A brief description of why you want this reading now.

  • 3 specific questions you would like to address.

*All info above is a necessary prerequisite for readings. Please do not schedule a reading if you are unable to provide all of this information. Once your appointment is scheduled, readings are non-changeable and non-refundable.


Schedule Time with Lily Below ⋆

Schedule Time with Lily Below ⋆